In case you get white-screen or some errors or a non-functional WordPress website after migrating from your old host, kindly ensure/do the following.
- You should already have setup a MySQL User/DB pair with your WordPress MySQL data successfully uploaded into the new DB. And the same credentials reflect in your wp-config.php . These steps w.r.t. MySQL are automatically handled when you restore a WordPress archive (with MySQL DB) from within N99panel
- Set WP_DEBUG to true in your wp-config.php file . Enabling it would show errors on the screen, if any. For details refer to
- Check error_log file to see if any errors are present in there
- Importantly check if there are any path references w.r.t. previous hosting, in your wp-config.php file. If there are any references to the old paths, you would need to comment out those lines.
- In some cases you may need to use the WordPress’s default .htaccess file as your current .htaccess may have entries leading to a non-functional setup. We advise you to take backup of your current .htaccess files and place a new .htaccess file . For WordPress’s default .htaccess file, please refer to